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New Low Back Guidelines that Help You Create Indisputable Care Plans


The following is a letter from CCGPP's Chairman, Dr. Greg Baker.  Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, is a board member and whole-heartedly supports this cause, which is, in pa ...

Chiropractors Don't Respond to Requests for Documentation


Palmetto GBA (Railroad Medicare) recently released the results of their “Widespread Review of Chiropractic Services for the first quarter of FY 2016” and while the overall charge de ...

Employee Exclusions Screenings Must be High Priority


Many healthcare organizations are not aware of how critically important it is to screen their employees against ALL state and federal exclusions databases. This article has important i ...

Chiropractic is Still Showing up on the OIG Work Plan


The Office of Inspector General's (OIG) mission is to protect the integrity of Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) programs as well as the health and welfare of program benefici ...

Is Your Documentation a Shield? Or a Weakness that can be Exploited by Your Enemies?


Documentation provides clear evidence of continuity of care to communicate with other providers.  It can act as a legal record of the care given.  And it should support the billing fo ...

The ChiroCode DeskBook, Why You Need It


The ChiroCode DeskBook is updated annually to reflect the most current information available and necessary for chiropractic practices.  The DeskBook is most commonly used for the pr ...

ACA Launches National Campaign for Medicare Equality


The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has launched a national petition to generate support for expanded access to and reimbursement for chiropractic services for Medicare benefici ...

Unified Program Integrity Contractors (UPIC)


CMS is developing a new Unified Program Integrity Contractor (UPIC) program to consolidate Medicare and Medicaid reviews. This consolidation of the Medicaid Integrity Contractors (MICs ...

Chiropractic SOAP Note Sample


Sample Chiropractic SOAP note ...

Everything a Chiropractor Needs to Know About 97110, Therapeutic Exercises


97110, Therapeutic Exercises, is one of the most commonly used CPT codes for Chiropractors. Unfortunately it is also misunderstood and misused far too often. For instance, did you kno ...