The ChiroCode DeskBook, Why You Need It

The ChiroCode DeskBook is updated annually to reflect the most current information available and necessary for chiropractic practices.  The DeskBook is most commonly used for the procedure codes and related information that it provides.  This allows practices greater confidence in code selection and serves as a great time saver for practices that have this resource at their fingertips and can quickly find or verify codes, definitions and guidelines.  

There are many other benefits to having the ChiroCode DeskBook that are also worthy of attention, as these too save practices time and money.  Here are just a few of those features:

Coding updates

Yes, codes are updated each year!  There are updates that pertain to chiropractic and without this information you could encounter increased denials or even inadvertently trigger an audit.  

Coding tips

Even with current code descriptions, it can sometimes be difficult to determine the best code. ChiroCode goes one step further and includes tips and commentary which are helpful for code selection and provider documentation.  

Claim form instructions 

The 1500 claim form has specific and slightly different instructions when submitting claims to major medical carriers and Medicare.  Practices must know how to to correctly prepare claims.  This is one of many steps for audit protection that is often overlooked.  The ChiroCode DeskBook addresses those common claim form errors and provides the details you need to submit clean and correct claims.  


Even with EHR to guide you through the documentation process, providers are still responsible for learning what and how to properly document.  After all, your documentation is what determines the diagnosis and procedure codes for each patient visit.  The ChiroCode DeskBook addresses initial visit exam and re-exam documentation using charts and instructions to help you best understand what you are required to have documented AND to guide you to the appropriate code selection.  Daily visit and treatment plan documentation are also provided in detail with tips to help providers as well as their staff.

Billing, Appeals and Insurance

How does the billing cycle work?  Do you understand the insurance process and different types of plans?  Have you ever received a denial and believe it to be incorrect?  What is the next step?  All of these questions and more, are common posts on the ChiroCode HelpDesk.  While we're here to help, the ChiroCode DeskBook also provides important guidance in these areas that are sure to help you minimize billing errors, better understand insurance processes, and become familiar with appeals.  The information contained in the DeskBook serves as a great reference and review for seasoned and experienced billers as well as an excellent method of training for newer billers.  You don't always have to learn by trial and error!  


What does Medicare cover?  How do you use the ABN?  How do you bill supplemental/secondary insurance?  Are there specific rules for billing Medicare?  Do you bill Medicare Advantage the same way as traditional Medicare Part B?  Once again, these common questions are addressed in the ChiroCode DeskBook, complete with tips and other need-to-know details to help you correctly and efficiently understand and comply with Medicare guidelines.  This too serves as a great risk management tool to audit prevention and will minimize your risk of unnecessary error.  

All of this and more is included in the 2016 ChiroCode DeskBook.  ChiroCode members also have access to an extensive resource library which contains additional guidance, references and useful documents.  If you don't already have the current year DeskBook, now is the time to get this resource for your practice.  Throughout 2016 ChiroCode is also presenting DeskBook tutorial webinars to help you benefit even more from your DeskBook.  

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