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The #1 concern reported by CMS about chiropractors is that, as a profession, we do a poor job of understanding maintenance care. Of course, that is THEIR definition of maintenance care. ...


There are many considerations when determining if your fees are in that sweet spot: not too high, not too low, and not breaking any laws. In this presentation, Dr. Gwilliam, a Medical ...


Medicare has increased their review of chiropractors recently. What are they looking for? Medicare regulations are specific in what they want in your documentation. In the second of thi ...


Practices find that too much of their revenues are slipping through the cracks! This is too costly to practices and must be addressed! Though there are many reasons and areas in your pr ...


In this webinar, Dr. Friedman will discuss the initial new patient exam and how it doesn't do what we THINK it does for our documentation. He'll also discuss what establishes the NEED t ...