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When was the last time you evaluated your fees? Fees for services are closely evaluated by payors, can prompt audits, and affect reimbursement, and is even one form of Risk Management! ...


You may have heard rumblings about MACRA, MIPS, MU, PQRS, VBM, and some other acronyms from CMS (Medicare.) Don't get overwhelmed, Dr. Gwilliam will take you through the basics and let ...


Do you think you are a coding pro? Are you following ICD-10 conventions when selecting your codes? For example, did you know that you do not need to code for symptoms when you have an ...


One audit trap that is sure to reveal lack of evidence for Medical Necessity could be found in your current coding and billing systems, and of course, your patient documentation. This c ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 4.2 on record keeping principles in chiropractic. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 4.3 on documenting for evaluations.  This is part 1 of 3. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 4.3 on documenting for subluxations.  This is part 2 of 3. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through the rest of Chapter 4.3 on documenting for evaluations and re-evaluations.  This is part 3 of 3. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 4.4 on documenting daily or subsequent visits. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 4.5 on creating care plans that can't be denied.  This is part 2 of 2 ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 4.5 on creating care plans that can't be denied.  This is part 1 of 2. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.2 on all the common procedure codes used in chiropractic.  This is part 1 of 7. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.2 on all the common procedure codes used in chiropractic.  This is part 2 of 7. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.2 on all the common procedure codes used in chiropractic.  This is part 3 of 7. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.2 on all the common procedure codes used in chiropractic.  This is part 4 of 7. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.2 on all the common procedure codes used in chiropractic.  This is part 5 of 7. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.2 on all the common procedure codes used in chiropractic.  This is part 6 of 7. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.2 on all the common procedure codes used in chiropractic.  This is part 7 of 7. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.3 on E/M coding.  This is part 1 of 5. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.3 on E/M coding.  This is part 2 of 5. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.3 on E/M coding.  This is part 3 of 5. ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.3 on E/M coding.  This is part 4 of 5.   ... ...


Let Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, walk you through Chapter 5.3 on E/M coding.  This is part 5 of 5. Video DeskBook Menu ... ...