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Presented by Ron Short DC, MCS-P, CPC May 31, 2016 Tuesday @ 10:15 AM PT, 11:15 AM MT, 12:15 PM CT, 1:15 PM ET Section 514 of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act o ...


Documentation can be used against you, or it can be you best defense when someone tries to deny your claims or you get audited. Chapter 4 of the ChiroCode DeskBook covers all the basics ...


Presented by David Klein, CPC, CPMA, CHC May 17, 2016 Tuesday @ 10:15 AM PT, 11:15 AM MT, 12:15 PM CT, 1:15 PM ET For several years the chiropractic profession has been inundat ...


During this presentation, Dr Radivoj will provide insight into the meaningful use audit process, point out potential problem areas and outline the documentation requirements to address ...


Presented by Tom Necela DC, CPC, CPMA, CCP-P Dr. Tom Necela of The Strategic Chiropractor will discuss how to avoid the mistakes that most chiropractors are making when transitionin ...