Upcoming Chiropractic Webinars


Chiropractic Webinars
Modalities Used in Your Chiropractic Office

Electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and mechanical traction are modalities commonly used in chiropractic offices. And they are commonly documented incorrectly or billed improperly. Lear ...


Use the Right Modifiers for Chiropractic Billing

Do you really know when to use the 59 modifier? What about the AT? There are relatively few modifiers to consider when it comes to chiropractic billing and coding, but some payers have ...


Confusing Codes for Chiropractors - 97110 versus 97112 versus 97530

In this webinar, you'll get a deep dive into three therapeutic procedure codes. Dr. Gwilliam, a chiropractor and certified professional coder, will take you thorough the ins and outs of ...


Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment and Medicare - Part 2

In this CE webinar, Dr. Gwilliam will continue his discussion from the webinar delivered Dec. 18 about chiropractic manipulative treatment. But this time, it is all about Medicare. If y ...


Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment (CMT) Coding and Documentation (Part 1)

The most used codes in chiropractic are 98940, 98941, 98942, and 98943. In this webinar, Dr. Gwilliam will go over the fundamentals of these codes and make sure you are proficient with ...


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