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Chiropractic Webinars
Electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and mechanical traction are modalities commonly used in chiropractic offices. And they are commonly documented incorrectly or billed improperly. Lear ...
Medicare continues to request records in order to determine if a claim is payable. However, they have very specific rules and regulations that they are required to follow in requesting ...
Medical Necessity: it’s far easier to prove than you think, and far more important than you realize.
Besides coding errors, it’s the 2nd most common tool used by health insurers and 3rd party payers to deny care and deny liability. How do you decide what to use as a tool to prove you ...
Initial exams, re-exams, and discharge visits are a little different than the daily encounters in most chiropractic offices. Usually, you should be able to bill separately for an evalua ...
Medicare can be intimidating, but fortunately, the rules can be made simple and actually reduce anxiety when applied properly. All you need to know about ABNs and Medicare modifiers wil ...