Q&A: Is There a Better Supply Code to Use Than 99070?


Are there more specific codes for supplies rather than using 99070?


Yes. The HCPCS supply code series includes multiple specific supply codes. The HCPCS supply codes are still too often overlooked and unused by providers. You will find that the HCPCS supply codes are more specific and as a result, often have more applicable codes for accurate reporting than the standard 99070 which is a non-specific, general supply code.

Of course, coverage and benefits for these HCPCS codes, like all other codes, does depend upon policy benefits and limitations. Though you will likely find that when coverage does exist, it is generally much easier and more efficient to get reimbursed using a specific code for the supply versus using the general and ill defined supply code.

Note too that there are specific modifiers that can be used to even further define the supply and indicate whether the purchase was of New Equipment, a Rental, etc.

A HCPCS supply section is included in the ChiroCode Deskbook or a specialty-specific Reimbursement Guide.

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