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Parking Pitfalls for Chiropractic Tenants


Have you thought much about parking at your clinic? This article will help you consider the issues you must be aware of as you consider this often overlooked part of a practice. ...

Protected Health Information De-Identification Standards


This article contains detailed information on the OCR guidance regarding the de-identification of Protected Health Information (PHI). Avoid HIPAA violations and learn specifically what ...

ICD-10-CM updates announced!  Well, sort of.


ICD-10-CM will be unfrozen October 1, 2016. Will the updates make a big difference? Or are they minor? Find out in this short article. ...

Perceptions of Chiropractic Care


JMPT recently published an article entitled Characteristics of US Adults Who Have Positive and Negative Perceptions of Doctors of Chiropractic and Chiropractic Care by William B. Wee ...

Diagnosis Codes for Cervical Kyphosis


Coding for a reduced cervical curve is a little tricky in ICD-10. This article explores the choices and issues around this diagnosis. ...

What is an 'Other Qualified Healthcare Professional'?


What's the difference between a physician, an other qualified healthcare professional, clinical staff and individual. ...