New Low Back Guidelines that Help You Create Indisputable Care Plans

The following is a letter from CCGPP's Chairman, Dr. Greg Baker.  Dr. Gwilliam, ChiroCode's Vice President, is a board member and whole-heartedly supports this cause, which is, in part, to get the evidence together to defend our profession from those who deny care.  In Dr. Gwilliam's webinar from 2/22/2016 (note, you need Premium Membership to view archived webinars), he referred to how you can use this article, published by JMPT, to build care plans based on the evidence, so that reviewers have no ammunition to deny care.  

February 22, 2016

Dear Colleagues:
I want to make you aware of some exciting news! CCGPP’s Clinical Compass has just released its new guideline:  CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE: CHIROPRACTIC CARE FOR LOW BACK PAIN. The publication can be viewed here.
Here’s what Claire Johnson, Editor-in-Chief of JMPT, had to say about this important updated guideline: 

“What could possibly inspire a small group of people, to work with fervor and dedication, to obtain broad and profession-wide input, in order to update a low back pain clinical practice guideline for chiropractors?  Was it so that they could help doctors of chiropractic to provide the best possible, evidence-based care? To improve patients’ health? To inform others about the wonderful work that chiropractors are able to do? To motivate practicing DCs to embrace best practices?  For the love of the profession and the public? To be honest, I really do not know what inspired them, but I sure am glad that these authors were inspired! This exceptionally crafted and updated guideline “Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain”  is now available on the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics  website   The guideline is also being submitted by the CCGPP  to the National Guidelines Clearinghouse  so that everyone, including policy makers, will have access to what is suggested as best chiropractic care for people who present with low back pain. This is a must read paper for all currently practicing DCs, chiropractic students, faculty, and anyone in healthcare that refers patients to or makes decisions about chiropractic care.”
This work can only be accomplished through hard work and dedication of the CCGPP Board and the researchers who perform this work. The only way the researchers can do the work is if there are funds to pay the them. The CCGPP would like to ask every DC and every state and national association to be at least a President’s Club Member, which means a donation of $84/month. Why? Because more guidelines need to updated and created to ensure that doctors and their patients are protected against third party discriminatory medical policies! We applaud the efforts of CCGPP and their critical forward progress. Please be a part of this in any way that you can.
CCGPP would like to give special thanks to the following organizations for their strong financial support for the Clinical Compass: 

  • Breakthrough Coaching
  • ChiroCode
  • ChiroHealth USA
  • KMC University
  • Performance Health
  • SecureCare
  • Meyer Distributing
  • Alaska Chiropractic Society
  • California Chiropractic Association
  • Hawaii State Chiropractic Association
  • Michigan Association of Chiropractors
  • Missouri State Chiropractors Association
  • North Dakota Chiropractors Association
  • Tennessee Chiropractic Association

You can download the donation form here or you can contribute via the Crowdrise Campaign at Please do what you can to support this important organization at a critical time to demonstrate our value to the healthcare system at large, and to protect our patients’ rights for access to chiropractic care!”
Thank you for your consideration.
Dr. Greg Baker
CCGPP/Clinical Compass Chair

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