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PSAVE Pilot Program - What Does it Mean to You?


Noridian's pilot program Provider Self-Audit with Validation and Extrapolation (PSAVE) has been extended which means that it has been successful for the payer, which means that they are ...

Medicare Timed Codes Guidelines


Medicare's guidelines for reporting of timed codes is found in Medicare Claims Processing Manual Chapter 5, Section 20.2. Also known as the '8 minute' rule, it describes how to calcula ...

Q/A: Can I Bill Mechanical Massage?


Are there any alternative procedure codes for billing mechanical massage (e.g., muscle master vibromassage, genie rub, etc)? I know that 'by the book' mechanical devices are not covered ...

Using Modifiers 96 and 97


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires coverage of certain essential health benefits (EHBs), two of which are rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices. Since the ACA did not ...