Top 7 Conditions - new feature in 2016 ICD-10 Manual

Your 2016 ICD-10-CM Coding for Chiropractic is a lot more useful than you might know. Most are familiar with the Anatomic Diagnosis Code List - always a ChiroCode favorite. Well, we added a whole new section.

Based on personal interaction with the Chiropractic profession, we have collected and analyzed the Seven most common areas diagnosed, and listed popular codes used with each area. It's called the Condition-Based Diagnosis Code List, and it's found on page 61.

The seven areas are:

1. Disc Disorders

2. Headaches

3. Muscle Conditions

4. Pain and Stiffness

5. Radiculopathy and Sciatica

6. Sprain/Strain (Spinal)

7. Subluxation

Each section not only contains, as mentioned, a number of pre-selected codes most commonly used for Chiropractic diagnosing; but it also gives:

  • Common Diagnosis tests
  • Sample Documentation
  • Helpful coding tips to consider - including 5th, 6th, and 7th character usage specific to those codes

Take advantage of this new feature, so you an run an efficient office, and bring in more revenue!

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