Adjunctive (Add-On) Codes

Stop losing hard-earned dollars. Too often, dollars are left on the table at billing time. Adjunctive codes for associated services should be added when they are appropriate. Here are a few examples of coding that are often overlooked.

97014 & 97032 Electrical Stimulation Supplies

According to the Relative Value Update Committee (RUC), the RVUs for these two codes for Electrical Stimulation include only 2 wires/pads. Therefore, when there are more than two, the additional wires/pads can be reported using a HCPCS code like A4556 -electrodes (per pair).

64550 Application of surface (transcutaneous) neurostimulator

In addition to describing the sale of a TENS unit to a patient (which is for the equipment only), this code also describes the application service. It is used to report the initial application of a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit in which electrodes are placed on the skin by the physician, and the patient then takes the unit home. The patient operates the TENS unit at home.

99000 Handling and/or conveyance of specimen for transfer from the physician’s office to a laboratory

Many offices are performing these services, but they are not billing for them. This service would be adjunctive (add-on) to any E/M or CMT services for the day when a “specimen” leaves the office. Charge a fee that is comfortable and appropriate.

99001 Handling and/or conveyance of specimen for transfer from the patient in other than a physician’s office to a laboratory

The key difference between 90000 and 90001 is “other than a physician’s office.” Thus, if in a home or elsewhere, this would be the appropriate code. Charge a fee that is comfortable and appropriate.

90002 Handling and/or conveyance or service in connection with the implementation of an order involving devices (eg, designing, fitting, packaging, handling, delivery, or mailing) when devices such as orthotics, protectives, and prosthetics are fabricated by an outside laboratory or shop, but which items have been designed, and are to be fitted and adjusted by the attending physician

Please note that this is “in connection with the implementation of an order involving devices.” From a CPT coding perspective, it is very descriptive of services that happen in many offices, such as fitting special shoes. Please note that this code is distinctly different from the CPT code 97703, used  to bill for “checkout for orthotics/prosthetic use.”


If this coding review benefits your practice, please make the needed updates and changes in your coding and billing protocols. Also, review all of the adjunctive codes within the 90000 to 99091 group; they are valuable. Document the services provided and all necessary supporting information.

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